Dialogue in the Book of Signs offers a polyvalent analysis of John 1:19-12:50 at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels. With the help of several synchronic methods, including genre, narrative, rhetorica
In this highly original book Robert Gundry argues that the ways in which Matthew portrays the apostle Peter fit the description of false disciples and apostates elsewhere in Matthews Gospel.After surv
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus asks the disciples, 'Do you not yet understand?' Rereading the Gospel through an Asian and Asian American feminist hermeneutics, Choi interprets this 'understanding' as ph
Sosa Siliezar investigates the presence and significance of creation imagery in the Gospel of John. He argues that John has intentionally included only a limited (albeit significant) number of instanc
In this introduction to the story that Matthew tells, Ian Boxall deftly guides readers through the sources, origins, themes, and main characters of the first Gospel. The books short chapters enable co
With more than 750,000 copies sold, the Woman After God's Own Heart(R) Bible study series continues to be extremely popular for both individual and group study.Are you living in the Holy Spirit's powe
This up-to-date introduction to Johns Gospel is the first volume in the Discovering Biblical Texts series, which encourages students to engage deeply with the biblical writings by alerting them to key
Writing in the tradition of biblical exegetes, such as St John Chrysostom and Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, the work of Archbishop Averky (Taushev) provides a commentary that is firmly grounded in
New Testament scholars typically assume that the men who pervade the pages of Luke's two volumes are models of an implied "manliness." Scholars rarely question how Lukan men measure