The two-volume set Essential Inquiries is designed to provide students, clergy, and other interested readers with an overview of a number of issues or problems that can arise in the study of texts fro
Robbins (Hellenistic Greek, Claremont Graduate U. and New Testament/comparative religions. Azusa Pacific U.) examines both literature and tradition to analyze the account of the temptation of Christ a
Karl Barth's legendary image of preaching with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other now has a matching image for praying. In Ain't Too Proud to Beg Telford Work encourages praying with
"It is a special pleasure to introduce R. T. (Dick) France's commentary to the pastoral and scholarly community, who should find it a truly exceptional— and helpful— volume." So
Ever wondered how to pay the next bill? Felt the world is unfair in economic rewards? Been indecisive about investing wisely? These types of fiscal questions are addressed from a Christian viewpoint i
Explores the claims of critical biblical scholarship and reveals the confidence in Jesus that is ours through the historical reliability of the four Gospels.
Offers hope to Christians who struggle to communicate with God. As readers study each phrase in Christ's prayer, they will begin to develop a deeper understanding, appreciation for, and communion wit
John, the Maverick Gospel has long been regarded as one of the most trustworthy introductions to the Fourth Gospel, paying special attention to the literary and theological dimensions of this Gospel w
Though "community" has become a common byword in the contemporary Western church, the practice of communal sharing has effectively fallen by the wayside. Unfortunately, it is often the poor
The Gospel of John was beloved by the early church, much as it is today, for its spiritual insight and clear declaration of Jesus' divinity. Clement of Alexandria indeed declared it the "spiritual Gos
In many respects John remains the most beloved of all Gospels. In this careful study for laity, Frances Taylor Gench provides an opportunity for Christians to immerse themselves in this complex Gospel
This collection of essays and sermons challenges us to consider the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus' serious proposal for an alternative society, a speech of resistance to the forces and institutions tha
The Lord’s Prayer, the greatest prayer in the Bible, comes from the heart of the Savior, the Son of God, to his Heavenly Father. It is proclaimed at celebrations, cried in times of war, whis