Get the most out of the Spirit Wars book and DVD with this participant's guide, which includes discussion questions, bonus reading material, and Scripture studies.
Discover how the sinister spirits of Jezebel, Religion, and Witchcraft work together to derail your Kingdom purpose. Incisive insight and strategic battle tactics will overcome them.
“Neither give place to the devil.” —Ephesians 4:27, KJV Does spiritual bondage have a stranglehold on you? Have you given the devil a “place” in your life, only to find you are dying spiritually—yet
A former medium, witch, and ghost hunter reveals what goes on behind enemy lines and offers 20 battle-tested strategies to meet the enemy without fear.
Jezebel walks among us. She is in our meetings, sits next to us in Sunday’s church service and can even be a prayer partner. How does one behave when this spirit is in operation in the people that we
A fierce war rages for your soul. Are you ready for battle? Like it or not, you are at war. You face a powerful enemy out to destroy you. You live on the battlefield, so you can’t escape the conflict.
Bestselling author and respected scholar Larry Richards offers an easy-to-follow, practical, and balanced approach to spiritual warfare based on a study of how Jesus did it.
Don’t let Satan silence your voice, fight back at the foot of the cross. Satan has launched a rigorous campaign to silence a people through whom God wants to perform mighty exploits. To overcome these
An unflinching bold look into the strongholds and immorality operating within the church today. When Kimberly Daniels left the streets and came into the church, she thought her struggle was over, beli
Philip C. Almond explores the figure of evil incarnate from the first centuries of the Christian era through to the Enlightenment, when the Devil became marginal to Christian theology and the dominant
For years the body of Christ has been taught--incorrectly--that the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues ended with the early-church apostles. Yet James T. Elam Jr. sets forth in this ne
A captivating story of a pastor encountering and accepting the reality of the existence of evil spirits that discusses how to release the hold evil forces have on life.
Whether we are aware or unaware, we are all involved in the activity of angels and demons. The true stories in this book will amaze and inspire readers to explore God’s supernatural world. The superna
General spiritual warfare books are important—but when you have a specific issue in your life, you need a specific prayer strategy.We all have things in our past that can derail our futures if we don’
Have you ever been oppressed by a spiritual or physical infirmity and couldn’t seem to break free? Have you ever wondered how Satan works or what Jesus’ call to “free the captives” means for believers