Educated at the abbeys of Bonnevaux and Cluny and at the court of his kinsman, Conrad of Hohenstaufen, Amadeus became a monk of Clairvaux in 1125, just about the time its abbot, Bernard, began to be n
Modeled after the adult version of Oracional biling?e: A Prayer Book for Spanish-English Communities, this volume for children encourages prayer across national, cultural, and linguistic borders. Ora
'The spiritual centre of the human person, the self', writes the author, 'maintains its fundamental identity for the whole of life on earth and is destined for participation in the eternal life of God
For half a century, Madeleine L'Engle has spun magic with words, touching millions of lives and earning a devoted readership with her award-winning fiction, candid reflections on her personal and
This treasury of selected passages from the writings and addresses of perhaps the most impressive leader of the Catholic Church the world has ever known offers, as its editor suggests, "a harvest from
Prepare your children to stand strong in this age of questions and contradictions. David and Goliath. Noah and the ark. Jonah and the whale. Children love stories of Bible characters. Yet they need mo
In these meditations on the lesser feasts and fasts of the church calendar Sam Portaro asks the question, What do these saints and commemorations have to say to Christians today?
St. Joseph obtains favors of any kind, but particularly in family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, work, housing and a happy death. He is the universal patron - whatever our petition is, yo
A collection of devotions for each day of the calendar year, including readings, illustrative stories, memory verses, and questions to internalize the messages
Hinds' Feet on High Places is one of Hannah Hurnard's best known and best loved books. This book is a beautiful allegory dramatizing the yearning of God's children to be led to new heights of love, j
This praised and best-selling daily reader presents short, comprehensive biographies of 365 saints and spiritual masters from Christianity and other faith traditions, including Mary Magdalene, Theres
Experiencing God Day-By-Day is a devotional journal designed to reinforce the spiritual precepts set forth in the Experiencing God book, workbook, and study Bible. There is a page for each day of the
This is a guide for praying Scripture back to God, organized into three months of daily prayers; each day the reader is guided through eight different kinds of prayer, such as adoration, confession,
When you're serious about following Christ, you long to become more like Him. You also know that the Bible contains the life-changing truths that will help you reach that goal. Face to Face: P
Formed in the Word is an attempt to bring home to the people in the pew, in the subway, and in the marketplace the significance and the mandate of the gospel, particularly the Beatitudes.
A sequel to Stories for the Heart, More Stories for the Heart offers up over one hundred stories that hug readers' hearts and encourage their souls. This treasury of timeless tales-written by some o