Speaking to Muslims about Christianity can be an unsettling experience for the Christian. Our understanding of the Muslim faith is very limited, and their critique of the Christian faith is often unli
In this book, Bishop Alexander explores his journey through the theological, scriptural, and pastoral aspects of the questions surrounding homosexuality and Christian faith. Writing in the weeks after
In the great tradition of moral argument about the nature of the economic market, Rebecca Blank and William McGurn join to debate the fundamental questionsequality and efficiency, productivity and soc
There are those who go to gay bars and salsa clubs with rosaries in their pockets, and who make camp chapels of their living rooms. Others enter churches with love letters hidden in their bags, becaus
The book begins by defining the core tasks (or mission) of the Church in biblical and theological terms, and then asks how these tasks can best be carried out in the conditions of modernity and post-m
In addition to being the sixth bishop of the Diocese of New York, Henry Codman Potter (1835-1908) was a prominent voice in the Social Gospel movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuri
A clinical ethicist and executive director of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Christie says that Catholic thinking offers a concrete vision of the human person through which difficult end
Pastors and religious scholars extol the benefits and point out the dangers of the democratization of families during the late 20th century, which transformed wives and children from a man's property
Twelve contributions from Jewish and Christian scholars examine the responses of Christians to Nazi assaults on human dignity during the Holocaust responses that ranged from endorsement to complicity
Discerning Reader's Best Book of 2003!We are not created to worship. Nor are we created for worship. We are created worshiping.Too often Christians have only thought of worship in terms of particular
Ross and Rachel had a baby, Britney and Justin broke up, and Time magazine asked if Bono could save the world. From the glittering tinsel of Hollywood to the advertising slogan you can't get out of y
Shows how battered women's personal theologies help them survive and heal, despite the women's knowledge that religion may also have contributed to their oppression.
A provocative collection of interfaith writings considers the spiritual traditions of such belief systems as Evangelical Christianity, Buddhism, feminism, and the spirituality of St. Francis, consider