Global in scope, but focusing right down on the role of ordinary people in conflict and violence, Reconciliation explores both the positives of multiculturalism and the challenges of accepting differe
News headlines point to a world that has gone stark-raving mad. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Religious liberty is under attack. Gender identity and fluidity is not only accepted but encouraged.
Cara Meredith grew up in a colorless world. From childhood, she didn't think issues of race had anything to do with her. A colorblind rhetoric had been stamped across her education, world view, a
Two friends on opposite sides of the aisle provide a practical guide to grace-filled political conversation while challenging readers to put relationship before policy and understanding before argumen
Star of A&E's Duck Dynasty, Phil Robertson exposes the ten lies the devil has used to destroy America's soul and offers ten counter-truths to put God back into culture and turn the country around.
There are more than 40 million enslaved people in the world today. This is overwhelming. A number so large leaves us asking, What could I even do to help? In his book Vulnerabl
Move beyond awareness to intentional engagement in effecting justice in response to the challenge of childhood poverty in the United States. Inaccurate perspectives about childhood poverty can become
Early modern Jesuits recruited the household community to think about the origin and purpose of the political community. They integrated their account of human (household) nature with a wide notion of
Our neighborhoods are literally making us sick. If we truly want to love our neighbors, we must work to create social environments in which people can be healthy. While working in community redevelopm
Offers a comprehensive survey and interpretation of contemporary Christian political theology in a newly revised and expanded editionThis book presents the latest thinking on the topic of contemporary
You know people around the world are struggling. A homeless man holds a sign that reads, “Anything helps.” A poor child lives in a slum swarming with flies. A refugee mother is on the brin