Increasing numbers of young adults go to university. This book explores contemporary understandings of what universities are for, what impact they might be having on their students, and what visions o
Is real friendship too risky? We live in a world where real friendship is hard to find. Suspicious of others and insecure about ourselves, we retreat into the safety of our small, self-made digital wo
The American church is a church in exile.Whereas American evangelicals were once comfortable in their privilege and power, the church’s role and influence in the public square, especially among the Mi
In a frightening and violent world, it is difficult to love those who are different from us. Too often, we are tempted to withdraw into the safety of our self-made cocoons. Popular Bible teacher Scott
The world has needs. Children are orphaned, refugees are displaced and families are devastated by natural disasters. But God is greater than those needs, and he works through his people to accomplish
"There must be more to the Christian life than this—more than church each Sunday and waving to my neighbors and giving some clothes to Goodwill when I go through my closet each spring."These aren't ba
Life is busy, insanely busy. From demanding jobs and full schedules to family and home responsibilities, most of us power through each day trying to balance work and life. Our lives are so filled with
Can it ever get better? This is the question Benjamin Watson is asking. In a country aflame with the fallout from the racial divide—in which Ferguson, Charleston, and the Confederate flag dominate the
The tension between Christianity and the arts is often real. But it also offers a false dichotomy. Many Christian artists think that they must choose between their faith and their artistic calling. Dr
This is book is an exploration of Christianity alongside Jewish guides who are well-studied in and sympathetic to Christianity, but only ever “near Christianity.” Not only did the borders created by J
Working from within the contours of Christian faith, this book examines the relation between two ways of forming families—through nature (by procreation) and through history (by adoption). Christians
This volume examines Augustine's writings and shows their importance for framing questions of human and divine nature, as both shape our concept of and relationship to the environment. These essays wi