Offers young readers of all ages a colorful introduction to Jewish heritage, history, and culture through a review of the many holidays that take place throughout the year.
Clayton Powell (1865-1953) was once of a very few African-American religious, cultural, and social leaders of his era to oppose what he called the "cheap grace" of racist conservative and liberal ideo
Uneasy in Babylon is based on extensive interviews with the most important Southern Baptist conservatives who have wrested control of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) away from moderates. Known t
As Jefferson Davis paraded through the streets of Montgomery, Alabama, to take the oath of office as the first president of the Confederate States of America, two men accompanied him in his open coach
Williams provides a fascinating look at the life and work of this nineteenth-century reformer, vividly portraying Stone's lifelong quest to understand and articulate the Gospel message, his views of c
A Seventh-Day Adventist mother explains to her son the history and development of the Christian church from the first century to today, emphasizing the Protestant Reformation, the history of religion
Between the Civil War and the turn of the last century, Southern Baptists gained prominence in the religious life of the South. As their power increased, they became defenders of the racial, political
The Library of Baptist Classics communicates the timeless, bedrock truths of Southern Baptist heritage. Through books that both inform and inspire, this collection shows how the world is changed by pe
As a "remnant of the remnant," Seventh-day Adventism's early years were distinguished by the leadership of women, most prominently the visionary and prophet Ellen White. However, after 1915 the number
Together, and separately, black and white Baptists created different but intertwined cultures that profoundly shaped the South. Adopting a biracial and bicultural focus, Paul Harvey works to redefine