Presents the story of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, discussing his origins at the creation of the world, his powers over the dead, and his kidnapping of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter.
Tells the mythological origin of the Greek goddess Artemis, her abilities as goddess of the hunt, and some of the punishments she meted to those who offended her.
Describes the Greek god who served as the messenger of the gods, delivering news outside of Olympus, and was known for being extremely swift on his feet.
Scholars have long emphasized the importance of scripture in studying religion, tacitly separating a few privileged “religions of the Book” from faiths lacking sacred texts, including ancient Roman re
This is an engaging introduction which explores the latest thinking about Classical Mythology, the history of interpreting myths and the role of myths in cultural tradition, from painting to oper
Ancient sources and modern scholars have often represented the Athenian festival of Adonis as a marginal and faintly ridiculous private women’s ritual. Seeds were planted each year in pots and, once s
Understanding Greek Religion is one of the first attempts to fully examine any religion from a cognitivist perspective, applying methods and findings from the cognitive science of religion to the anci
Mischievous from the moment he emerges howling and screeching from his mother's womb, Pan, god of the wild, creates pandemonium wherever he goes. Noise and confusion follow him as he steals arrows fro
Mighty Apollo is known by all as the god of the sun, but there's more to this Olympian than a bright smile and a shining chariot. In the latest volume of Olympians,New York Times bestselling author Ge
The sea is omnipresent in Greek life. Visible from nearly everywhere, the sea represents the life and livelihood of many who dwell on the islands and coastal areas of the Mediterranean, and it has bee
Classical Mythology in Context encourages students to directly encounter and explore ancient myths and to understand them in broader interpretative contexts.Featuring a modular structure that coincide
Follow Hermes on 100 unforgettable journeys across the fascinating, colourful world of Greek mythology. The young god is determined to have adventures from the very moment of his unusual birth, steali
Stories of Gods and Heroes, originally published in 1855, is the first of three works that make upBulfinch's Mythology, by Thomas Bulfinch. A useful and concise guide to the gods and goddesses of Gree