Details historical, ethical, and legal questions surrounding the law of war, with chapters on historical precedents, the interplay of law and war, armed conflict and self-defense, and the internationa
The oral testimonies of 11 individuals who took part in the Nuremberg trials in less prominent roles than are usually subjected to historical examination. Among those interviewed are the nighttime sec
This book marks thirty years of progress in realising the free movement of persons in the European Union. Its origins are to be found in a conference held at King's College, London organised by the Im
Consists of 16 papers presented at a May 1994 gathering celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Dumbarton Oaks Conversations, historic meetings begun in 1944 to plan postwar international institutions
In an increasingly complex and interdependent world, states resort to a bewildering array of regulatory agreements to deal with problems as disparate as climate change, nuclear proliferation, interna
Ralph Bunche was instrumental — sometimes at great personal risk — in finding peaceful solutions to incendiary conflicts around the world, while at the same time he was never far from the realities of
The author addresses in detail particular aspects of the Covenant such as the role of the Committee in the supervision process, the nature of estate obligations, the principle of work discrimination,
Contributors from law, politics, medicine, and the social sciences and victims of human rights violations offer a kaleidoscopic view of the international convention that was established in the afterma
The conflict over Palestine has produced one of the most tragic and compelling refugee crises of the post-WWII era. In the Palestinian-Israeli Declaration of Principles, signed in Washington, DC, in 1
This book argues for a reappraisal of the role of strategic coercion, defined as the deliberate and purposive use of overt threats to influence another's strategic choices, and emphasizes the importan
Despite the recent proliferation of environmental literature, publications on environmental control of petroleum activities are still very rare. This book fills this gap by providing the first major v