Guides early childhood teachers on a journey of self-discovery and self-determination to take charge of their own professional development. This essential professional development resource provides ad
This book describes how culturally responsive teachers learn to navigate between the heritage languages of their students and the dominant language of their curriculum and instruction.As teachers invi
Thinking Like a Geographer focuses on high-interest, career-related topics in the elementary curriculum related to geography. Students will explore interdisciplinary content, foster creativity, and develop higher order thinking skills with activities aligned to relevant content area standards. Students will develop and practice geography skills, such as reading and creating maps, graphs, and charts; examining primary and secondary sources; and thinking spatially on a variety of scales. Thinking Like a Geographer reflects key emphases of curricula from the Center for Gifted Education at William & Mary, including the development of process skills in various content areas and the enhancement of discipline-specific thinking and habits of mind through hands-on activities.
Thinking Like a Mathematician focuses on high-interest, career-related topics in the elementary curriculum related to mathematics. Students will explore interdisciplinary content, foster creativity, a
Teevan, who teaches earth science and biology at a high school, provides lessons and projects to teach students in fifth grade how scientists approach problems, investigations, and research. Aimed
Thinking Like a Engineer focuses on high-interest, career-related topics in the elementary curriculum related to engineering. Students will explore interdisciplinary content, foster creativity, and de
To help teachers confidently teach mathematics in primary school, this book develops their understanding of mathematical concepts and processes and how children learn them. This sixth edition of Derek
When learning to teach, practical experience in the classroom is essential as is learning from others and being able to reflect on your own learning and performance. Equally important is the ability t
Problem Solving 4 Today: Daily Skill Practice for kindergarten contains reproducible activities designed to help students learn critical math word problem-solving skills with strategies such as drawin
Problem Solving 4 Today: Daily Skill Practice for first grade contains reproducible activities designed to help students learn critical math word problem-solving skills with strategies such as circlin