Kinetic Theory of Granular Gases provides an introduction to the rapidly developing theory of dissipative gas dynamics - a theory which has mainly evolved over the last decade. The book is aimed at r
In the high energy gas flows, associating high velocities and high temperatures, physical and chemical processes such as molecular vibrational excitation, dissociation, ionisation or various reaction
This self-contained book is an up-to-date description of the basic theory of molecular gas dynamics and its various applications. The book, unique in the literature, presents working knowledge, theory
This edition of a very successful and widely adopted book has been brought up-to-date with computer methods and applications throughout. It makes use of spreadsheet programs, and contains unique proce
This unique book is a store of less well-known explosion anddetonation phenomena, including also data and experiences related tosafety risks. It highlights the shortcomings of the currentengineering c
This monograph gives a comprehensive description of the relationship and connections between kinetic theory and fluid dynamics, mainly for a time-independent problem in a general domain. Ambiguities i
Physical, chemical processes in gases at high temperatures are focus of outstanding text, which combines material from gas dynamics, shock-wave theory, thermodynamics and statistical physics, other f
First-rate text covers introductory concepts from thermodynamics, one-dimensional gas dynamics and one-dimensional wave motion, waves in supersonic flow, flow in ducts and wind tunnels, methods of me
"Granular Gases" are diluted many-particle systems in which the mean free path of the particles is much larger than the typical particle size, and where particle collisions occur dissipatively. The di
Since Prandtl first suggested it in 1904, boundary layer theory has become a fundamental aspect of fluid dynamics. Although a vast literature exists for theoretical and experimental aspects of the the
Numerical methods are indispensable tools in the analysis of complex fluid flows. This book focuses on computational techniques for high-speed gas flows, especially gas flows containing shocks and other steep gradients. The book decomposes complicated numerical methods into simple modular parts, showing how each part fits and how each method relates to or differs from others. The text begins with a review of gasdynamics and computational techniques. Next come basic principles of computational gasdynamics. The last two parts cover basic techniques and advanced techniques. Senior and graduate level students, especially in aerospace engineering, as well as researchers and practising engineers, will find a wealth of invaluable information on high-speed gas flows in this text.
A masterpiece of theoretical physics, this classic work contains a comprehensive exposition of the kinetic theory of gases. Still relevant a century after its initial publication, it combines rigorous
Gaskinetic Theory is an introductory text on the molecular theory of gases and on modern transport theory. It is suitable for upper division undergraduates in physics and first year graduate students in aerospace engineering, upper atmospheric science and space research. The first part introduces basic concepts, including the distribution function, classical theory of specific heats, binary collisions, mean free path, and reaction rates. Transport theory is used to express coefficients such as viscosity and heat conductivity in terms of molecular properties. The second part of the book covers advanced transport theory. Generalised transport equations are derived from the Boltzmann equation. The Chapman–Enskog and the Grad methods are discussed to obtain higher order transport equations for low density gases. The aerodynamics of solid bodies is explored and the book concludes with the kinetic description of shock waves.
The direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method has, in recent years, become widely used for engineering and scientific studies of gas flows that involve low densities or very small physical dimension
The first volume in a new series apparently incorporates material contained in the first edition (1988). Describes the current methods for analyzing the mathematical aspects of the initial and initial