Jellyfish aren't really fish at all! These spineless sea-dwellers use their umbrella-shaped bells to swim, while their long tentacles sting prey. Learn what they eat and how they survive in the big oc
Sea stars, or starfish, are amazing creatures! They can regenerate limbs and even use seawater as blood! Learn what they eat and how they survive in the big ocean.
This Level 3 guided reader introduces basic facts about jellyfish, including their physical characteristics, diet, and habitat. Simple callouts ask the student to think in new ways, supporting inquiry
"This Level 3 guided reader introduces basic facts about sea stars, including their physical characteristics, diet, and habitat. Simple callouts ask the student to think in new ways, supporting inquir
Introduces sea urchins, describing their physical features, movement, defense mechanisms, danger to humans, and the role they play in the ocean ecosystem.
Coral reefs are home to a wide variety of marine life. Some of the animals that live near coral reefs can glow in the dark, but so can many species of corals themselves! Corals use their ability to gl
Sponges are possibly the world’s oldest animals. Their ability to survive and adapt in their surroundings is truly astounding, as is the fact that they’ve been on Earth for over 7 million years. This
One night, when Kupe is helping his father fish from their canoe, he sees little bubbles coming from the bottom of the ocean. He collects some to take home, and his mother suggests he visit the Atitia
"Discover facts about sea anemones, including physical features, habitat, life cycle, food, and threats to these ocean creatures. Photos, captions, and keywords supplement the narrative of this inform
"Discover facts about sea stars, including physical features, habitat, life cycle, food, and threats to these ocean creatures. Photos, captions, and keywords supplement the narrative of this informati
"Includes facts about jellyfish, including physical features, habitat, life cycle, food, and threats to these ocean creatures. Photos, captions, and keywords supplement the narrative of this informati
Briefly introduces jellyfish, which are not true fishes because they have no blood, bones, or brain, and describes their movement and other characteristics.
Our oceans are becoming increasingly inhospitable to life—growing toxicity and rising temperatures coupled with overfishing have led many marine species to the brink of collapse. And yet there is one
Among the most fascinating animals in the world’s oceans are the more than 2,000 species of starfish. Called "Asteroids" by scientists who study them (after their taxonomic name, Asteroidea)—or sea st
With their stunning beauty and biodiversity, the coral reefs of Florida and the Caribbean are part playground and part research lab for the thousands of tourists, divers, and marine scientists who vis