The case-control method of determining human cancer causation has developed in the last 20 years as the major epidemiological approach to identify risk factors. Now in paperback, this volume brings to
"This book is relevant to anyone grappling with the central challenge of relationships: how to achieve connections to others without losing oneself."--Deborah Tannen (author of You Just Don't Understa
Until now, little attention has been paid to the application of contemporary psychoanalytic theory to religious experiences. In this edited collection, the contributors provide examples that illustrat
Gestalt Therapy: Perspectives and Applications is a classic text which, when it was first released in 1992, signaled a renaissance of Gestalt scholarship throughout the world. In this volume, Edwin N
Despite the burgeoning literature on the role of the father in child development and on fathering as a developmental stage, surprisingly little has been written about the psychiatrically impaired fath
The growth of mental health professionals in recent years has been matched with a proliferation of psychotherapeutic approaches. Even within psychoanalytic psychotherapy there are many schools of thou
Are the risks of smoking exaggerated? Has there been an open and rational discussion about the risks of smoking? This book attempts to answer these and many other questions about the subject, providin
This is a study of madness in the medieval Islamic world. Using a wide variety of sources, from the fields of history, literature, and art, the late Michael Dols explores beliefs about madness in Isla
Null redefines a health problem that afflicts 40 million Americans: More than mere hay fever, contemporary allergic reactions include chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, and even HIV infect
Michel Foucault has had an extraordinary impact on writers in the human sciences since his first book Madness and Civilization appeared in English. When it appeared in Britain in 1967 it was read as p
This book integrates psychiatry and psychoanalysis to present deeper and sounder clinical profiles of the personality disorders than have been hitherto available.
Americans struggle with anxiety. Among the disorder's most common forms is social phobia, a persistent fear of scrutiny and evaluation by others. Social phobia cripples the lives of some 15 to 20 perc
Several million Americans are afflicted with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementing disorder. For families, professional caregivers, policy makers, and the patients themselves, the challenges are
Deepak Chopra, M.D., has emerged as one of the most powerful leaders in the revolutionary field of mind/body medicine. His extraordinary bestseller Quantum Healing explored the mind's connection to se
Throughout Europe, Patrick Casement's work on the interactional aspects of the therapeutic process is well known and highly acclaimed. In Casement's lucid treatise, LEARNING FROM THE PATIENT, everythi
This volume considers the unique and overlapping long-term effects of all major forms of child maltreatment. The author integrates information on seven types of child abuse and neg