Dr. Paul Dudley White was the premier heart specialist of this century. He was recognized as an outstanding bedside doctor, a great teacher, and a widely respected investigator. By his optimism, his p
This book builds upon and expands the pioneering work of the lateHervey Cleckley in defining, recognizing, and treating the antisocialpersonality and related syndromes. This clearly written and engag
Essential Papers on Depression gathers the classic articles on the subject of depression. It includes pieces by such core figures as Karl Abraham, Sigmund Freud, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Martin E. P. S
Narcissism has recently been the focus of debate among professionals, in large part due to the controversies surrounding the world of Heinz Kohut and Otto Kernberg. Yet much has been written about nar
William Schofield presents a classic analysis of mental illness, of professional psychotherapists and their training, and of the elements of psychotherapy. He asserts the need for more rigorous select
Argues that our bodies reflect our life history, state of being, and growth potential, discusses the connection between mental and physical well-being, and explains how to follow an holistic plan for
The pain and anguish suffered by the victims of mental illness and their families is overwhelming. The problems and the inability to cope are often too much to endure, and families are torn apart. Par
It's a prime ingredient in countless substances from cereal to soup, from cola to coffee. Consumed at the rate of one hundred pounds for every American every year, it's as addictive as nicotine -- an
Essential Papers on Borderline Disorders: One Hundred Years at the Border gathers between two covers the classic articles on the subject of borderline psychology. It includes essays by such core figur
By means of a series of personal anecdotes, protocols, fables, and plays, the eminent family therapist probes and assesses the role of the individual within the family and the social, political, and l
Sustained abstinence from an addiction is only the first stage of recovery; real recovery begins with Stage II--the rebuilding of the life that was saved in Stage I.
Why is eating food in its natural state, unprocessed and unrefined, so vital to the maintenance of good health? What is lacking in our modern diet that makes us so susceptible to degenerative disease?
A practical and reliable diagnostic tool that has emerged over the past twenty-five years, kinesiology is the study of the mechanics of bodily motion, especially muscle movements and their relationshi