The Simple Equine Training System (SETS) is written for people that love horses and want a straightforward training method. SETS is based on classical training principles handed down from horsemen
A legendary classic packed with some of the best horseplaying advice ever, which reveals the observations and handicapping techniques of Pittsburg Phil, the most successful handicapper of his time.Thi
This hands-on, how-to training guide to understanding how horses communicate?through the movement of their body, their expression, and the distance they maintain between them and an object of interest
Would you like to dance with your horse? If the answer to that question is a resounding "Yes!" then this book will help you to do just that. Whether you are a serious competitor, a rider who enjoys sc
"Old doesn't mean out-dated." ‧ Annotated ‧ With 5 original chapters (plus Addendum) by Keith HosmanNOTE: The free or cheap copies of "Dr. Sutherland's System of Educating the Horse" found elsewhere
This book discusses ground-pole training for all disciplines and shows how you can make the most of precious schooling time. It provides quick and easy pole layouts, using just a handful of poles. Dif
Since the eager stallion Messenger trotted off a boat from Europe in 1788, harness racing in America has been a popular sport, and nowhere is this truer than New York State. In the nineteenth century,
The story of how I first got introduced to the Greyhound Racing World, as the Track Announcer at the Woodlands Racetrack in Kansas City, KS, back when the track first opened in 1989. This book recalls
Prepping your horse for a first ride requires plenty of ground work. Here are your step-by-step instructions.This book provides simple and objective training for the unbroke horse, from first-time br
Tens of thousands of riders pursue the sport of dressage in North America, and the majority do so on a budget and with the horse they already have—or quite simply, the one they can afford. This means
For equestrian athletes of all levels, Olympic medalist Peter Leone shares his strategies and methods for success in Peter Leone's Show Jumping Clinic. He coaches riders on the elements of first-rate
"A biography of Jimmy Winkfield, who battled racism and other obstacles on the road to becoming one of horseracing's best jockeys and, in 1902, the last African American to win the Kentucky Derby"--Pr
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Harry de Leyer first saw the horse he would name Snowman on a truck bound for the slaughterhouse. The recent Dutch immigrant recognized the spark in the eye of the beaten-u
Patrick Smithwick has done it again. His new book Flying Change is every bit the sleek, well-bred and fast Thoroughbred as its predecessor,Racing My Father.InFlying Change, Smithwick is no longer raci
"This fully comprehensive book guides the reader through the process of acquiring and subsequently re-training a racehorse. It provides an in-depth look at what life was like for the horse at the raci