Borges, Calvino, and Eco are as noted for the intriguing philosophical puzzles they present as they are for their inventive literary styles. In their writings, sequences of causality are reversed, ind
Lucian (ca. 120190 CE), the satirist from Samosata on the Euphrates, started as an apprentice sculptor, turned to rhetoric and visited Italy and Gaul as a successful travelling lecturer, before
The essays in this volume provide a space for rethinking current theory on gender and masculinity, linking local issues--including representations of desire and male sexuality in Islam, current politi
What is a the canona (TM)? Who determines it? How should it be read? These are the questions that preoccupied academics during the a theory warsa (TM) of the late twentieth century and continue to cha
What is ‘the canon’? Who determines it? How should it be read? These are the questions that preoccupied academics during the ‘theory wars’ of the late twentieth century and continue to challenge and d
Where do we start when studying Shakespeare? With the man himself? Or with historical context? With language? Or plot? Starting Shakespeare is a lively, approachable guide to studying Shakespeare, tha