The heartbreaking story of the love affair between Boris Pasternak, the author of Doctor Zhivago, and Olga Ivinskaya—the true tragedy behind the timeless classic, and a harrowing look
Scientists throughout history, from Galileo to today’s experts on climate change, have often had to contend with politics in their pursuit of knowledge. But in the Soviet Union, where the ruling elite
The question of Kosovan sovereignty and independence has a history which stretches far back beyond the outbreak of war in 1998. This volume is a compilation of key documents on Kosovo from the first h
Between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, the rise of international trade, the growth of towns and cities, and the politics of diplomacy all helped to foster productive and far-reaching connecti
A History of the Czech Lands is an output of long-term project of new paradigmatic textbook of Czech history, written and edited in respect to the important changes the Czech Republic has been going t
The Jews of Khazaria is an accessible introduction to Khazaria—a kingdom in the early Middle Ages noted for its adoption of the Jewish religion. The third edition of this modern classic features
As cinema industries around the globe adjusted to the introduction of synch-sound technology, the Soviet Union was also shifting culturally, politically, and ideologically from the heterogeneous film
"A smart, balanced analysis of the internal developments that have shaped Russia’s course since the break-up of the Soviet Union."—The New York Times Book Review"Balanced and timely … a smooth narrati
The peasantry accounted for the large majority of the Russian population during the Imperialist and Stalinist periods – it is, for the most part, how people lived. Peasants in Russia from Serfdom to S
The history and contemporary situation of Muslim communities in Eastern Europe are explored here from three angles. First, survival, telling of the resilience of these Muslim communities in the face o
The history and contemporary situation of Muslim communities in Eastern Europe are explored here from three angles. First, survival, telling of the resilience of these Muslim communities in the face o
In studies of a common European past, there is a significant lack of scholarship on the former Eastern Bloc countries. While understanding the importance of shifting the focus of European memory eastw
Reception of antiquity in Northern and Northeastern Europe is a field of research that is overall largely undeveloped. At the same time, the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea have taken part in thi
Soviet foreign policy in the Stalin era is commonly assumed to have been a direct product of either Marxist ideology or the leader's whims. Both assumptions, however, oversimplify the complex and subt
Babushka's Journey is the record of Marcel Krueger's grandmother Cilly's journey from the snow-covered battlefields of East Prussia in January 1945 to the Soviet labor camps in the Urals, where she sp
The 'Albanian question' remains one of the major unresolved questions in south-eastern Europe, with the potential to disrupt the region, with grave consequences for the international community. The ex
A time of great hardship, the Second World War became a consequential episode in the history of Soviet childhood policies. The growing social problem of juvenile homelessness and delinquency alerted t
During World War II, Croatia became a fascist state under the control of the Ustasha Movement - allied with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Here, Goran Miljan examines and analyzes for the first time