本書特色★從西廂記繪畫開始,進入中國版畫、年畫、「西洋鏡」畫片世界★國內外公私典藏機構授權,上百幅彩色圖版見證明清以來中西藝術、文化交流序PREFACEThe Romance of the Western Chamber, Xixiangji, has the iconic status in China that Romeo and Juliet has in the West. Both plays center around star-crossed lovers and feature protective parents and secret meetings facilitated by wily maids. But the most striking similarity lies in the extent to which both works have captured―and held―the public imagination over several hundred years. However, if both plays have been performed, adapted, and reimagined countless times, The Romance of the Western Chamber parts ways with its Shakespearean descendant by having also become an established resident of the visual arts.All of the key scenes in this tense (but ultimately happy) 21-act play have made their way onto porcelain and lacquer, and into paintings, printed books, and single sheet prints. We will perhaps never completely understand why the love story between the young scholar Zhang Sheng and the beautiful Yingying,
徐文琴,國立臺灣大學中文系學士、美國加州大學柏克萊分校 (UC. Berkeley) 藝術史碩士、英國倫敦大學亞非學院 (School of Oriental and African Studies)中國藝術與考古學博士。歷任香港大學藝術系講師、國立故宮博物院副研究員、高雄市立空中大學文化藝術系及國立高雄大學人文社會科學院教授等職。著有《文本與影像──西廂記版畫插圖研究》、《台灣美術史》、《現代美術及美術館鑑評》等書。