目錄 大象希音-2014李奉個展/東門美術館 卓來成 The Vision of Life-2014 Lee Feng/License Art Gallery CHO,Laicheng 大象希音 李奉個展 文/黃粱 The Vision of Life-2014 Lee Feng/Huang Liang 『大象希音』展覽:李奉生命能量的心畫 文/斯因 “The Vision of Life”::Li Feng`s Drawing of the Heart With Life`s Energy/Si Ying 超以象外,德其環中-李奉「藝以載道」的創作精神/聖約翰科技大學何兆豐數位藝文中心主任 林慧真 Beyond the vision,within the environment-Lee Feng“Art carries the doctrines”spirit of creativity/Lin,Hui Jhen,St.John`s University Ho Chao Digital Arts Center Director 自序 Preface 內文 簡介
目錄 秘在形山-2012李奉個展 The Secret from Within-2012 Lee Feng 秘在形山:閱讀李奉近年繪畫-在他的畫中,我彷彿看見他所找到的,回返現實的新路徑 The Secret from Withi:Reading of Lee Feng`s painting in recent years-In his paintings,I could see the new ways he has found to reality. 生命與自然交會當下的感動-我所認識的李奉,其畫與人 The Affection Produced by Life and Nature:What I Know about Lee Feng and his work 自序 Preface 內文 簡歷/Curriculum Vitae