The covver design is from a zhou embroidery screen ofthe Qing Dynastyused speiecl for birthday celiations.The screen contains a ni per of traditional hinese tlauspicious symbois: The covese woNs for t
La richesse du patrimoine culturel dune ville est generalement liee a sa Iongue histoire. Or depuis la haute antiquite, il y a 4e0 000 ans de cela, le developpement de la region de Beijing a ete conti
Como capital de seis dinastias chinas,Beijing dispone de una historia de mas de tres mil aSos,desde la construcci6n de las ciudades antiguas Yan Y Ji,algo raramente visto en el mundo。Las incontables r
About 460,000 years ago, Beijing was merely a primitive settlement. Later it grew into a political center of Yan and Ji, two kingdoms in north China, then the Capital of six feudaldynasties. Today, th