與《湯瑪士小火車》及鐵道夥伴們一起展開冒險旅程!生動的插圖及對話將擬人化各式火車們詮釋得栩栩如生。品格教育融入故事情節中,是為寓教於樂的睡前故事。Including an incredible 65 mini paperback tales, the Thomas Story Library is truly timeless.Presented in a handy storage box that is beautifully decorated, this collection will welcome children into the fun-filled world of Thomas the Tank Engine!A kids favourite for many, many years, Thomas and his friends get up to some fascinating adventures and meet some colourful characters along the way, making each of the books in this set perfect bedtime reading.The perfect gift for parents and their child, this beautifully presented box set is sure to be passed on from generation to generation.
一個小小的改變,就能守護海洋生態認識超過100種海洋生物╳10大海洋危機╳10個保護海洋小方法探索全球10大海域,從認識海洋開始,一起認識大自然之美★法國環境保護與人道組織「威力雅基金會」(Fondation VEOLIA)「青少年環境議題」獲獎書籍★法國海洋保護組織「海洋星球」(Planète Mer)推薦書籍★法國環境保護組織「歐洲衝浪者基金會」(Surfrider Foundation Eu
有愛之處必有痛。Ubi amor, ibi dolor.只要你能相信我,親愛的讀者,我會盡我所能帶著你跨越這條河。所有橋都是邀請。我只能希望你接受我的邀請。透過這個故事的每一個角色,你會看見星辰影響我們,而非束縛我們。如果巴黎是光之城,那布拉格肯定就是影之城。在像這樣的夜晚,萬物半隱半現,什麼事都有可能。魔法、無聊、做愛、音樂、詩,或根本什麼也沒有。在布拉格舊城邊緣,象離開了動物園,穿過霧中的圍牆,最後來到查理橋畔。而這座超越六百年的橋對你娓娓道來橋畔眾生的寂寞、脆弱與力量。懷抱著作家夢的男人獲得文學獎肯定,卻旋即陷入創作瓶頸,只好日復一日在動物園擔任夜間警衛的工作。他身為心理諮商師妻子熱切的想成為人母,然而男人卻無法相信自己能勝任父親的角色。有著酗酒問題的女孩因為父親突然在異鄉病倒而輾轉來到布拉格,卻在趕往醫院探望的途中搭乘的計程車,意外撞上常在查理橋表演的街頭藝人,隨後又遭逢父親過世的打擊。首席芭蕾舞女伶深受膝痛所苦,同時為自己年華老去而憂慮,對未來徬徨不安,唯一能傾訴心事的對象卻只有已於一九三一年過世的安娜‧巴甫洛娃的鬼魂。合唱團女高音懷了指揮的孩子。指揮告訴她,他愛她,但也愛他的妻子,但人怎麼可能同時給兩個人同等的愛。查理橋上,合唱團正在為這座百年老橋的生日而獻唱,路過的芭蕾女伶忍不住隨音樂起舞,象也駐足聆聽。等等,大象?這頭象將繼續前進,直到來到第二母親之河。象體內的象仔將認識大河。象仔不會有諸象的巨大悲傷。象仔將不知圍欄為何物。這頭象與你同在。
★ 套書《山林與海之歌》英譯本正式發行!!★ 2019瓜達拉哈拉書展臺灣館主題書區「臺灣:故事之島」選書。★ 《泰雅勇士大步向前》獲選為第40屆「中小學生優良課外讀物」圖畫書類。★ 與中文原版同款「巴冷公主」封面,傳承經典故事,雋刻永恆記憶。★ 阿爾卑斯山獎、日本大島博物館繪本獎、義大利安徒生獎常勝軍畫家―湯瑪士.瑞杰可(Tomáš Řízek)作品!The Song of Mountains, Forest and SeaTaiwan is an island in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of mainland China. For centuries, the island has had a diverse mix of cultures and languages. The indigenous tribes on the island are distinctive examples. Their languages are classified as Austronesian languages close to those of the inhabitants of today's Philippines, Indonesia or New Guinea and Polynesia. Taiwan has thus become the platform where you can see the influences brought by the migrants from Pacific and Indian Ocean islands. The literary tradition of the Taiwanese is very rich, although they do not have their own writing system. The key to choose these three stories is the title of the book loosely hidden by the topics of the selected stories. It contains the natural elements that make up the world around us.