自然保育季刊秋季刊2023年9月 第123期NATURE CONSERVATION QUARTERLY NO.123 Sep. 2023/AUTUMN目錄CONTENTS 專論ARTICLES 4臺灣生物分布資料樣態與 轉化為空間資訊後的保育應用Types of species distribution data collected by citizen scientists and the conservational applications after transformed into spatial information in Taiwan 陳宛均Wan-Jyun Chen 特輯REPORTS18「蘭」截目光──蔓莖山珊瑚A new population of an eye- catching orchid,Erythrorchis altissima, found in Taiwan 盧永哲、姜淮晨、呂長澤Yong-Zhe Lu. Huai-Chen Chiang. Chang-Tse Lu 28 蟹蟹再聯絡── 綠島陸蟹調查紀實On-the-spot report of the investigation of terrestrial crabs on Green Island 林宗政Tzong-Jeng Lin 保育資訊INFORMATION44人醫與獸醫協力搶救石虎── 談石虎「壽司」的人間故事Cooperation between the human doctors and the veterinarians: the rescue storyof the leopard cat “Sushi” 詹芳澤、陳秀慧、林育秀、劉佩珊Fang-Tse Chan. Siou-Huei Chen. Yu-Hsiu Lin. Pei-Shan Liu 52大冠鷲農藥中毒治療經驗談 Experience of treating insecticide poisoned crested serpent eagles, Spilornis cheela 林桂賢、詹芳澤、張品御、董佳穎Kuei-Shien Lin. Fang-Tse Chan. Pin-Yu Chang. Chia-Ying Tung 60「貝」害妄想── 淺談吃水生螺貝類的 掠食性魚類Who is