One cool day in late October, Georgia noticed something weird. Objects would move around the house and sometimes they even disappeared. Now, some people may have wondered (especially at this time of
The long-awaited and highly anticipated sequel to the Newbery Honor winner Our Only May Amelia, by the bestselling and cherished author Jennifer Holm. May Amelia Jackson captured readers’ hearts in th
獲得﹝英國凱特格林威獎﹞提名入選倫敦《標準晚報》奧斯卡圖書獎提姆‧沃恩斯 Tim Warnes經典主題繪本《被貼標籤的鱷魚》系列新作☆隨書附贈‧詞彙學習【警語貼紙】☆──【品格教育繪本:警惕小心/負責任】一天, 鱷魚發現一頂帽子,上面寫著:警告!請勿觸碰!鱷魚沒有理會,直接把帽子戴在頭上。一旁的鼴鼠很緊張地說:「快脫掉,這可能有危險!」話剛說完,一隻接一隻的兔子竟然從帽子裡跳了出來!這一大群兔子,
Seven years earlier, France's top chef, Marc Fraysse, summoned the world's culinary press to his remote restaurant in central France to make an announcement that he said would cause shockwaves in th
Loneliness, boredom, emptiness: These are thecomplaints that Rollo May encountered over and over from his patients. In response, he probes the hidden layers of personality to reveal the core