這本活潑有趣的《愛美麗注音》適用每次二十分鐘的教學課程,全書學習時數(不含練習與複習)依教學進度學習程度約3-5小時。本書學習對象不限,華語文學習者,可在此書習得正確發音。希望你開心學習。The book “LOVEmily Pronunciation” is easy to learn, dynamic and interesting. All the new words are designed with lively practice from the learners perspective which is easy and happy to learn. “LOVEmily Pronunciation” is suitable for 20 minute teaching on each time, and the learning hours of this book (excluding exercises and review) are about 3-5 hours according to the teaching progress. Learners can learn the correct pronunciation in this book. Hope you Happy Learning Happy!《愛美麗注音》という書籍は、簡潔で学びやすくて面白い内容で、英日訳を含んでいます。すべての新語は、学習者の視点から活気のある演習形式で設計されており、学習が楽しく、プレッシャーがなく、手持ちに便利なデザインになっています。この活気のある、面白い《愛美麗注音》は、20分ごとの教育コースに適用し、全書の学習時間(練習と復習を除く)は、教授する進捗状況と学習の程度に応じて約3〜5時間になります。本書の学習対象は限定されず、華語学習者はここで正しい発音を学ぶことができます。学習が楽しくすれば幸いですね。
《愛美麗華語II》簡易閱讀版是一本容易自學或教學的兩用書,這本書簡潔易學生動有趣,內容貼近真實生活,並以學習者觀點設計活潑的練習題型,學習上輕鬆愉快無壓力;且便於隨身攜帶的設計。這本活潑有趣的《愛美麗華語II》共十個主題,每一課含生詞,課文及練習共三部分,適用每次五十分鐘的課程,全書學習時數(含練習與複習)依教學進度或自學者學習程度約30至50小時。本書學習對象不限,未具備華語文學習經驗者,可在此書習得基礎會話;已具備基礎會話者,可提升自我在華語文領域的運用能力。“LOVEmily Mandarin Chinese II” is a Mandarin Chinese book, which is easy to use for either self-learning or teaching Mandarin. “LOVEmily Mandarin Chinese II” has interesting content relevant to real life scenarios and fun, lively exercises written from the learner’s perspective. “LOVEmily Mandarin Chinese II” contains 10 lessons, each with a specific topic. Each lesson includes reading, vocabulary and exercises. The core of each lesson is designed to take about 50 minutes. Including the additional exercises and review time for each lesson, the learner will take 30-50 hours to finish the entire book. This book is suitable for all ages. Beginners will find that it is a gentle introduction to Mandarin with basic reading that can be used in daily life, and