The Xiāng dialects comprise one of the major families of modern Sinitic languages. However, a number of modern linguists doubt that, as currently constituted, this group forms a valid taxonomic unit.
The primary purpose of this work is to undertake a comparative phonological reconstruction for the Gàn dialects. To this end the traditional comparative method is applied, and the reconstructed common
《西北漢語方音綱要》是美國愛荷華大學著名漢藏語言學家柯蔚南(Coblin W.South)於1994年發表的,刊登在王士元先生主編的The Journal of Chinese Linguistics 雜誌上。英文原題為“A Compendium of Phonetics in Northwest Chinese”。 本書正文分為三個部分:第一部分緒言,主要討論一些相關歷史
本書收錄了二十四篇文章,作者都是著名語言學家羅杰瑞先生的同行、摯友以及學生,在學術界各有建樹。本書內容涵蓋面廣,漢語方面包括方言語音、方言語法、方言分區、歷史音韻、甲骨文以及社會語言學,非漢語方面包括蒙古語、滿洲語和維吾爾語,堪稱一時之作。 方言語音的文章計有《閩語札記二則》(丁邦新)、《Competing methodologies of Chinese dialect field work,
In Chinese, as in many languages with long written histories, textual sources tend to reflect koines or reginal lingua francas rather than dialects as such. The recording of ordinary regional vernacul