This book is a combination of our long-term research on Chinese Elateroidea, through checking zoological record, and Titan database (ttp://, and related scientific literatures. We refer to various published works (including catalogues, papers and monographs) to record all Chinese species of the superfamily Elateroidea. 9 families, 295 genera and 2,770 species/subspecies are included in this book, in which Artematopodidae have 1 genus, 3 species; Eucnemidae 15 genera, 24 species; Throscidae 1 genus, 2 species; Elateridae 173 genera, 1515 species/subspecies; Lycidae 40 genera, 273 species/ subspecies; Rhagophthalmidae 1 genus, 21 species/subspecies; Lampyridae 23 genera, 134 species/ subspecies; Omethidae 1 genus, 2 species; Cantharidae 40 genera, 796 species/ subspecies. All the tribes under subfamilies, the genera under tribes and the species/subspecies under genera arepresented alphabetically. The whole volume shares a combination of literatures, instead of separated one