「我們應該成為怎樣的人?」「我們應該怎麼活?」這個問題有答案嗎?生命的意義有答案嗎?人類很矛盾,很多老師都說:老師不是聖人,沒有人可以決定別人的人生。但也有老師說:生命本來就有意義,人本來就應該思考。「我們應該成為有思考能力的人。」這件事被說成是「本來」,這是錯誤的,人們無法證明,所以說這是「本來」。本書將證明:「我們應該成為有思考能力的人。」本書將證明:「人類有應該走向的未來。」本書有一個歷史回顧,以前人們害怕思考。本書的內容就是這三個題目:「我們應該成為怎樣的人?生命的意義與教育的目的。」「民主最大的敵人是什麼?生命的意義與威權時代。」「人類應該走向怎樣的未來?生命的意義與文明的方向。」Is there an answer to the question: “What kind of people should we be?” “How should we live ?”Is there an answer to the meaning of life?This is a contradiction, many teachers say: teachers are not saints, no one can decide other people's lives.And some teachers say: Life “originally” has meaning.“We should become human beings with the ability to think.”This thing is said to be “original”, which is wrong, people can't prove it, so it is said to be “original”.This book will prove: “We should become human beings with the ability to think.”This book will prove: “There is a future that humanity should go to.”This book has a historical review, in the past, people were afraid to think.The contents o
Taking care of the big tree is my job,If the big tree is wrong,If the big tree hurts itself,I want to tell it.Big tree!The name is not a cold code,The name is a warm person,Please do remember.If the b
Is the life meaning? What is the answer to the meaning of life? Is there the final answer applicable for everyone? Can that answer be proved? People used to think the meaning of the life was subjectiv
Is there a meaning of life? Some people say : Yes.Some people say : No.What about reality?Actually this is an easy subject,Life is there.Look at you.Look at me.People have to love themselves,People ha
It's getting light.There is an important meal.There is an important person.I will have a dining with her.I have to make some preparation.天亮了,有個重要的一餐,有個重要的人,我要和她一起吃飯,我要做些準備。生命的意義是珍惜地吃飯,生命的意義是藉由吃飯認識心,你無
Does life make sense?Is survival accompanied by the law?Do I have something to do today?Look for it!Is there anything that doesn't change in nature?I found it,The sun is still there,Have a good meal t
筆者的故鄉是台灣,台灣以前信仰著傳統價值,有些人受到了傳統價值的打壓,然後他們試著尋找新價值,卻一直找不到。筆者證明了:「生命真的有意義,生命的意義是多元。」當筆者跟台灣分享我的答案後,台灣的教育部長高興地喊著多元,台灣通過了同性婚姻法,但生命有意義嗎?所以本書的內容包含了這四個題目:「同性婚姻法與生命的意義」、「生命的意義與傳統價值」、「生命的意義與完整的答案」、「生命的意義與筆者的目標」。筆者想要告訴大家:生命「真的」有意義。The author's hometown is Taiwan. Taiwan used to believe in traditional values. Some people were suppressed by traditional values. Then they tried to find new values, but they never found them.The author proved: "Life is really meaningful, and the meaning of life is diversity." When the author shared my answer with Taiwan, Taiwan's Minister of Education happily shouted diversity. Taiwan passed the same-sex marriage laws, but is life meaningful?Therefore, the content of this book includes these four topics:"Same-Sex Marriage Laws and the Meaning of Life","The meaning of life and traditional values","The meaning of life and the complete answer","The meaning of life and the author's goal." The author wants to tell everyone:Life "really" has meaning.