【人體透視書】層層剖析看不見的祕密,你的身體太神奇了,快準備好翻開書吧!你知道在你的身體裡有多少驚奇的事正在發生嗎?快來「穿透」書頁,進入自己的身體瞧瞧吧!本書運用特殊的透明頁設計,一層一層打開人體的各個系統,帶領讀者認識這些系統都有哪些器官構造,以及關於這些構造的功能和小知識。Human Body (100片拼圖+1本知識小百科)(Usborne Book & Jigsaw)This delightful pack contains a colourful, labelled 100-piece jigsaw of the human body for children to assemble. It also includes a 24-page, highly visual book that introduces and explains the various systems and functions of different parts of the body in more detail.拼圖完成後尺寸59*40公分
9786263072350 樹的透視書了解樹的不同部位怎麼分工合作、讓樹持續成長,並探索樹如何以各種方式協助人類與動物。樹太神奇了,快準備好翻開書吧! 從樹頂到根尖,樹木裡面充滿了驚奇的小祕密!本書運用特殊的透明頁設計,一層一層剖析大樹生態系,帶領讀者認識身邊的樹木,看樹木隨著季節發生的變化,以及如何提供棲所給各種動物。9781474992145 Usborne Book and Jigsaw: Tree of Life (300片拼圖+16頁小書)A beautiful Tree of Life Jigsaw Puzzle accompanied by a 16pp book that explores the whole tree of life from microscopic bacteria to whole rainforest ecosystems, packed with information about how life works, what makes a living thing, and all sorts of the Earth’s amazing plants and animals.300片拼圖+16頁小書拼圖完成尺寸59*40公分