論文集的書名,定為:「刑事法的浪潮與濤聲」。表示刑事法的新思潮,像海浪一波波地湧至;眾多學者的看法,就像濤聲一樣,陣陣的襲來,美不勝收。 The name of this Festschrift is called “Currents and Waves of Criminal Law Science.” It means that new thoughts surge through crim
論文集的書名,定為:「刑事法的浪潮與濤聲」。表示刑事法的新思潮,像海浪一波波地湧至;眾多學者的看法,就像濤聲一樣,陣陣的襲來,美不勝收。 The name of this Festschrift is called “Currents and Waves of Criminal Law Science.” It means that new thoughts surge through crim
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