本書特色 《語法動起來2》是為從事華語教學的老師,和有志參與這項工作的讀者,所編寫的關於教案設計與方法的專書。 人類母語能力的發展從一開始就在有「語境」的情況下開始,為此,華語教師在面對初、中級的句本位教學也好,高、優級的段落篇章教學也好,須盡可能、大幅度地擺脫機械式、枯燥乏味的語法教學,並深刻理解到「語境」在各個教學環節中是不可或缺的角色。教學過程中,教學任務、活動可以五花八門,但總體來說,不外乎理解詮釋、人際互動、表達演繹三大類型。在《語法動起來2》中,四位資深華語教師分別闡述了如何在上述三種教學型態中,適切納入對語境的思考,以提供初、中、高級學習者在符合人性、本能、認知的華語學習過程中,培養語言使用的能力。 藉由提供教學步驟與範例的手法,《語法動起來2》旨在強調「語言結構」與「使用情境」的不可切割性,希望華語教師無論在編寫、選擇教材內容、講授語言知識、操練語言結構的過程中,都按此原則活絡抽象的語法概念,讓學習者能走出課堂,與外界人士交流。 作者簡介邱新富美國加州州立大學洛杉磯分校現代語言文學系副教授。政大英語系畢業,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)應用語言學系碩士暨博士。曾任教於美國明德中文暑校語言部及碩士班、美國加州大學洛杉磯分校亞洲語言文化學系、美國波莫納學院亞洲語言文學系、文藻外語大學、聯合大學、台中教育大學等單位。著有《Language Socialization in Chinese Diasporas: Indexicality of Confucian Ideologies in Family Talk》、《前進中文:中級課程》等。 戴金惠旅居加州的台北人,輔仁大學英國文學系畢,路易斯安娜州立大學語言學碩士暨博士。曾於德國海德堡大學交換研究,加州伯克萊大學進修研究,曾任教於加州聖塔芭芭拉大學、賓州大學、明德中文暑校語言部及中文碩士研究生項目、國立臺灣師範大學華研所客座、國立新竹教育大學華語教學組兼任副教授等。現任蒙特雷國際研究學院口筆譯及語言教育所有中文項目教授。著有《生活、認知與中文教學》、《創新中文教育:生態語言教育觀》等。 姚瑜雯美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)中文講師。畢業於臺灣師範大學華語文教學研究所,曾任教於中國文化大學華語中心、淡江大學華語中心及臺灣師大國語中心等,2000年開始每年暑假任教於明德大學暑期中文學校至今。
Six Features of the Textbooks1. This textbook series is based on results from action research done by experienced Mandarin Chinese instructors affiliated with U.S. universities and colleges. 2. Eight thematic units run through two volumes of textbooks, covering personal, communitial, societal issues and learning tasks.3. The design of learning tasks and assessment activities aligns with ACTFL’s proficiency benchmarks, three modes of communication, and 5C principles.4. The selection of grammar and vocabulary aligns with the guidelines by HSK and Chinese Language Proficiency Test, with cross-strait differences clearly marked and listed. 5. This textbook series is designed for people from all walks of life and college students to meet the various needs and interests of adult learners. 6. Learners will develop intermediate level oral proficiency, while establishing listening and reading strategies, and eventually become independent learners of Mandarin Chinese. 本教材六大特點1. 本教材為北美一線中文教師行動研究成果
The learning goals that center on the thematic units are set in accordance with the language proficiency levels, established by the ACTFL˙To Comply with the pedagogical principle of backward design to establish the teaching/learning goals for the intermediate learner of Chinese˙Integrates into its thematic contents the ACTFL-defined, three mores of language uses as well the 5C concepts˙Assist the learner to achieve holistic progress and to cultivate specific linguistic abilities of Chinese˙The selecting of keywords/phrases in thetextbooks is greatly in line with vocabulary levels defined by the HSK and by the TOCFL. The regional difference in language uses between the two sides of theTaiwan Strait are also meticulously annotated in the textbooks In recent years, the background of learners has become diversified, and the number of self-study students of elementary Chinese is also increasing. On the pedagogical front, however, learning materials, found to be biased towards school l