拉丁詞語是英文法律乃至歐洲法律的一大語言特色。作為專業術語,拉丁詞語濃縮了法律人士之間的共識,其在醫學領域也有同樣的作用。掌握這些拉丁術語很有挑戰性,但也大有裨益。 本書是第一本以香港常用的拉丁法律詞彙翻譯為主題的中英文法律專書,挑選了在香港法律領域中105個最常用的拉丁詞語作解釋。本書除提供基本資訊,如詞性、讀音和詞義外,更提供詞語的中英文翻譯、從雙語法律文本中篩選的適當例句,以及根據雙語判決書提供每個詞彙的使用率。 《香港法律語言常見拉丁詞彙》極具實用參考價值,有助律師、法律從業員、翻譯人員、法律系學生等掌握拉丁法律詞語的用法,亦有助其他讀者認識法律語言及了解香港語言狀況。 Latin terms constitute a special feature of English legal language as well as the language of Law in many European countries. They encapsulate specific meanings shared across the legal professions internationally, as is the case with medical terms in Latin. Mastering them can be both challenging and rewarding. Featuring 105 Latin legal terms, this is the first Chinese-English book to describe the most commonly used Latin words and phrases found in Hong Kong’s legal instruments and laws. The bilingual examples were meticulously collected from statutory and judicial sources to help readers better understand their meanings and their actual usage in the context of Hong Kong. The provision of usage