Do you know why there have been so many problems in various parts of the world? In furtherance of their colonial interests, British politicians from time to time wrote national borders for other peoples. They did so in the Balkans, in Africa and in the Middle East. They even drew the border between China and India. Such borders were very often not based on the conditions on the ground. This sowed the seeds of future conflicts. Open your eyes and be open-minded, learn history from different perspectives. Hear the other side, reflect on our own position, independent thinking, say no to double standard. What have we learnt from history? The Great Flood of Yahweh killed almost all living things (including the lovely boys and girls in China). Is this not genocide? In the Conquest of Canaan, did Yahweh not instruct his Chosen People to embark on genocide? Are these really consistent with the all-loving Christian God? God must have been very upset by so many people claiming to be Christia