最新雅思聽力版本 ──納入《劍17》新增考題方向以鑑別度的試題,提升考生應試能力無懼更難的變化題一次掌握各種同義轉換和判斷能力綜合理解能力猛提升文學經典小說和暢銷書加持口說和寫作亦迅速邁向9.0高分––––––––––––––––與《劍17》最新的出題完全一致,試題的「選項敘述加長」+「判斷作者/講者/學生意圖」+「高階同義轉換」而非僅檢視考生是否聽對某個單字並正確地拼出考生務必要演練此調整後的試題,以游刃有餘的應考A Pride and Prejudice B Gone with the Wind C 1984 D The History of Tom Jones, a Founding E Gone with the Wind and 1984F lecturer G other people’s perception 11. Youth is not permanent12. Countenances created by genes will be affected by other factors13. Genes determine most of people’s fate from birth 14. With the conviction that good-looking people are not the winner.15. To gainsay the fact that beauty is luscious is ridiculous. 16. One’s destitution will be the downside for one’s inherent look.17. The attainment of an optimum stage in a short time18. Penchant for choosing the spouse much more attractive than they are19. Practicality comes first, when it comes to sustaining a marriage20. All men are created equal, when it comes to making a living收錄各式人名、地名、專有名詞,強化聽各樣的人名和配對與各人物間的細
最強雅思閱讀學習方式──收錄更多具高度整合能力的試題有效協助各考生釐清思路各閱讀文章亦附錄音 同步優化寫作實力閱讀和寫作一次就考取高分翻新試題並納入反覆出現的圖表考古題「魚的構造圖」強效「新舊合併」考點納入亂序摘要題出題、《劍16》考點和隱晦的填空題答題※ Hewes & Associates, based on its reputation can hire lawyers with 5.___________ or better capability.,這部分可以對應到But Hewes & Associates, based on its reputation, can have anyone whether it is a seasoned senior lawyer or a newly graduate whose ability is better than Ellen.,better capability對應到whose ability is better than,所以空格處要對應到or前面的敘述部分,並藉由seasoned推斷出要有經驗的,故答案要填experience。這題稍難。 ※ Eventually, Ellen has a 7.___________ schedule for the next interview because her sister’s wedding is on the same date.這部分對應到Ellen is astounded to hear the date because her sister’s wedding is on the same date. How to choose between a lucrative job that everyone is dying to get in and attending her sister’s wedding is what allures audiences to continue watching till the end of the first episode.所以可以反推出Ellen跟下次面試的時程是conflicting的,答案要選conflicting。(更多非傳統找到對應點和同義字就馬上答對的試題,請見書籍內容...
最強雅思寫作小作文學習方式──納入《劍16》雙圖表題考點融入時事題和整合能力試題並加以改良收錄百搭8分字彙無懼龐大寫作題庫雅思這項考試,考一次就夠了!精選百搭高分語彙、提升同義轉換等表達能力具體化各數值的表達和就業力,不再少數幾個字彙一路用到底※ 大幅改善許多考生盲點,細節並具體化各項數值的表達,與各劍橋雅思題本後方範文做出區隔,連續用上許多八分字彙,立即獲取理想成績。時態、慣用語、句型多樣性等強化許多文法題都能答對但仍在圖表題中,現在完成式和過去完成式等使用上,常誤用者的超級救星,馬上獲取寫作8.0高分※ 比起稀有水果巨額的花青素含量,草莓每100公克所含有的花青素量更為稀少。Compared with rare fruits’ whopping quantity of anthocyanin, strawberry’s anthocyanin per 100g contains far less.(具體且豐富表達各數值)※ 儘管稀有的海藍色蜘蛛的收益上漲了25%來到600美元,投資客對於過去幾周價格的波動仍感到擔憂。Despite the fact that revenue of rare aquamarine spiders ticked up 25% to US 600 dollars, investors still had concerns about the fluctuation of the prices in the past few weeks.(高分慣用語加持)※ 在11月的調查報告發現,比起在2015年時百分之六十三點五的高點,健康照護的股份降至百分之二點五,來到了最低點。A November survey found that health care stocks had fallen to the lowest of 2.5%, compared with the highest 63.5% in 2012.(時態/過去完成式)(更多部分請看書籍內容...)與坊間寫作書有所區隔,作文範文均附錄音,且涵蓋「解析」甩脫單純記憶背誦式的學習且絕不詞窮※ 以萬能藥水雙圖表題為例,關鍵重點仍在於要如何下筆,書籍中解析即提供了,可以採取分別各以一個段落陳述兩個圖表的特色、比較兩個圖表之間的相似點或相異點、具體陳述數值、比較時不犯修辭上的錯誤等,進而
Ray Kurzweil所著的《奇點臨近》是一本有思維方法論啟示的書;是一本站在歷史的高度,正面思考科技力量的書;是一本充滿想象與預言,但又不失科學論證的書。本書提供了一個嶄新的視角:21世紀既是數百年以來科技、創意的頂點,又是對人類終極命運真摯的愿景。《奇點臨近》特點:奇特與警示的結論,書中六個紀元的劃分奇特又富于哲理;嚴謹與獨特的論述方法,通過分析科學發展趨勢,演繹并預測未來;警世之語與探討性對話,通過智者的眼睛去審視自然、科學以及世界;章尾與未來的對話,是一種思想的博弈:通過設想中的未來去理解當今的技術發展和進化中的人類。本書論述嚴謹,案例豐富,深入闡釋了“奇點”作為一種思潮,其在世界范圍內所產生的廣泛影響,并介紹了其在哲學、科學、技術、藝術等各個方面所展示的獨特魅力。