Skandar's adventure among the warrior unicorns continues in this "riveting" (Kirkus Reviews) sequel to the instant New York Times and international bestseller Skandar and the Unicorn Thief. Skandar Smith has achieved his dream: to train as a unicorn rider. But as Skandar and his friends enter their second year at the Eyrie, a new threat arises. Immortal wild unicorns are somehow being killed, a prophecy warns of terrible danger, and elemental destruction begins to ravage the Island. Meanwhile, Skandar's sister, Kenna, longs to join him, and Skandar is determined to help her, no matter what. As the storm gathers, can Skandar find the key to stop the Island tearing itself apart before it's too late for them all?
In recent years the subject of satanic ritual abuse (SRA) has incited widespread controversy focused primarily on whether or not such abuse actually occurs. Much like child sexual abuse, SRA was init
Rudger, an imaginary playmate, must find his friend Amanda before he fades away to nothing, while eluding the only other person who can see him, evil Mr. Bunting, who hunts--and possibly even eats--im
當你的命運中必定擁有一隻獨角獸,當你注定能操縱某一種元素力量,但力量背後,毀滅與拯救只是一線之隔……★售出超過35國版權,全球同步開啟獨角獸時代!★美國版首刷25萬冊,跨越成人與青少年閱讀分野。★電影版權以7位數美金售給索尼影業,現正拍攝中。人們原以為獨角獸只存在於童話故事之中,但有一天牠們卻踏著鮮血和殺意而來。唯有靠人類騎手孵化的獨角獸,牠們身上的元素力量才得以被控制,但本性依舊嗜血而殘暴。「在這個密室的某處,有屬於你們每個人的蛋,一顆在你出生之時就出現在這世上的蛋。一隻十三年來一直等待你前來的獨角獸。」史坎德從小就夢想成為獨角獸騎手,但就在夢想即將實現之際,邪惡勢力悄然來到,劫走了全世界最強大的獨角獸。一片混亂之中,史坎德終於孵化出自己的獨角獸,卻發現與自己結盟的竟是非法元素,而這關係著自己的身世,還關乎整座島嶼與大陸的生死存亡……新生代作家A. F. 史黛曼顛覆獨角獸的本來意象,以電影般的書寫,融合冒險、懸疑與奇幻元素,在現實中打造超乎想像的魔幻世界,將讓讀者目眩神迷。
American Publishers Award for Professional & Scholarly Excellence (PROSE) Winner-Award for Excellence in Social Sciences (2009) Neuroeconomics is a new highly promising approach to understanding t