There are two opposing models for what drives social change, says Callinicos (politics, U. of York, England). The structural, championed by Karl Marx, considers class-relations and interests to be the
Few thinkers have been declared irrelevant and out of date with such frequency as Karl Marx. Hardly a decade since his death has gone by in which establishment critics have not announced the death of
《創造歷史》處理的是社會科學的核心問題:結構與行動之間的關係。作者廣泛援引了古典馬克思主義、英美分析哲學與許多重要的史學著作,企圖論證:行動者從自身的社會結構之中獲得力量,並藉由這樣的力量來「創造歷史」。換言之,結構在為行動者設下限制的同時,也賦予行動者改變自身處境的能力。本書處理的素材不僅廣泛而且深入,從分析哲學所發展出來的「正統的行動者」概念、柯恩(G. A. Cohen)的「正統歷史唯物論」
Theories and Narratives explores the relationship between social theory and historical writing. Its aim is to establish the contribution that theory can make to understanding the past.Pursuing this ob