本書獲得國際護理榮譽學會Sigma Theta Tau Best Pick獎項,它是許多護理系教師、學生和護理人員,學習如何應用護理過程之評估、診斷、計畫、措施、評值來解決問題的最佳工具範本。全書對於美國之醫療現況、護理工作環境,以及專科護理師的角色有深入的探討與介紹,再藉由問題引導的方式協助讀者做思考上的分析,提供彈性學習方案並將資源分享予學生及學術使用。對於準備執照考試的學生,在每一章末附有考
This exciting revision of Applying Nursing Process - which received a Sigma Tau Best Pick Award - illustrates how to use the nursing process to think critically in today's fast-paced clinical practice
This trusted resource combines the practical guidance students need to understand each phase of the nursing process with an emphasis on critical thinking, focusing on both independent and collaborativ
Because principles of nursing process are the building blocks for all care models, the nursing process is the first model nurses need to learn to “think like a nurse.” This trusted resource provides t