HOW TO MAKE A UNIVERSE FROM 92 INGREDIENTS takes on the impossible and triumphs - it makes chemistry fun! A unique and imaginative take on chemistry for children, with 'experiments' that show how all
What do cars, stars, skyscrapers, and ice cream all have in common? They're all made from the same 92 ingredients...and so are we. And so is everything in the entire universe! How to Make a Universe with 92 Ingredients presents a unique and imaginative way for young readers to connect chemistry and science with their daily lives. By using dozens of familiar objects (trees, cell phones, the Sun), author Adrian Dingle has built a platform from which to teach kids the unfamiliar — that trees, cell phones, and the Sun are all made of a handful of chemical elements found on the periodic table. Full of easy experiments and "Did You Know?" information that's perfect for sharing with friends, How to Make a Universe with 92 Ingredients takes on the impossible and triumphs — it makes chemistry FUN!
The Periodic Table introduces budding chemists to the world of the elements as it's never been seen before. Designed to resemble popular networking Web sites, the pages of this book feature "homepage
The Periodic Table introduces budding chemists to the world of the elements as it's never been seen before. Designed to resemble popular networking Web sites, the pages of this book feature "
Do you confuse boron with barium or chlorine with fluorine? Fear not! Basher Science has come to the rescue by mixing science and art to create a unique periodic table. From unassuming oxygen to devio
A revised and expanded edition of the original Basher book introduces and demystifies the periodic table and related chemistry concepts while incorporating new discoveries and dedicating individual pa
A revised and expanded edition of the original Basher book introduces and demystifies the periodic table and related chemistry concepts while incorporating new discoveries and dedicating individual pa