In Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, insights into Jewish law from the preeminent figure of twentieth-century modern Orthodoxy are presented in a clear and concise manner. Commonly k
Zorea (history, U. of Wisconsin, Richland) is a specialist in 20th-century American politics, law, and social policy. His text offers students and general readers a balanced overview of one of today's
This book introduces the Internet through a systematic geographical interpretation, thus shedding light on the Internet as a spatial entity. The book’s approach is to extend basic concepts developed f
The Sudanese Mahdi headed a millenarian, revivalist, reformist movement, strongly inspired by Salafi and ?ufi ideas in the late 19th century. He established a Caliphate and created a unique legal meth
From the award-winning, internationally acclaimed author ("One of the greatest writers of the age." —The Guardian): a young Holocaust survivor, wounded in body and spirit, takes his first st
While writing previous books The Internet on Earth (2002) and Personal Mobilities (2006), Kellerman (emeritus, U. of Haifa) noted a difference between routine movement such as commuting to work and fr