As far back as the ancient Egyptian temples of Luxor and Karnak, the Tarot has been a source of wisdom and insight into the human heart and mind. The 78 cards of the Tarot deck help you to open a door
"Our job is to lovingly and consciously cooperate with the forces at work on this globe at this time. Astrology provides a way to link the individual with a conscious attunement to the planetary forc
Soul-Centered Astrology is a groundbreaking sourcebook. Influenced by Theosophical philosophy, Alice Bailey, and the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, Alan Oken describes the evolutionary process of spiritual
A practical and thorough treatment on the meanings of all aspects of planetary and house rulerships, Rulers of the Horoscope : Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth is the definitive sourcebook on th
Every astrologer needs a good understanding on the astrological houses, and Houses of the Horoscope: An Introduction provides a practical and valuable sourcebook. Alan Oken masterfully guides you thro