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Alan Wild (3)

Cambridge Univ Pr (3)

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Soils, Land and Food:Managing the Land during the Twenty-First Century
作者:Alan Wild  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/01/09 裝訂:平裝
A major challenge of the twenty-first century will be to ensure sufficient global food production to cope with the burgeoning world population. Soils, Land and Food is a short text aimed at undergraduates, graduates, agricultural scientists and policy makers which describes how the use of technology in soil management can increase and sustain agricultural production. The book leads the reader through the development of techniques of land management and discusses reasons why some agricultural projects have succeeded while others have failed. It shows how surveying and protecting soils before new land is brought into cultivation, raising soil fertility, increasing inputs and improving economic conditions can all help to increase food production. Particular emphasis is placed on the need for both economic change and technological intervention in developing countries where, in many cases, food production will need to more than double in the next fifty years.
定價:2339 元, 優惠價:9 2105
作者:Alan Wild  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/01/09 裝訂:精裝
A major challenge of the twenty-first century will be to ensure sufficient global food production to cope with the burgeoning world population. Soils, Land and Food is a short text aimed at undergraduates, graduates, agricultural scientists and policy makers which describes how the use of technology in soil management can increase and sustain agricultural production. The book leads the reader through the development of techniques of land management and discusses reasons why some agricultural projects have succeeded while others have failed. It shows how surveying and protecting soils before new land is brought into cultivation, raising soil fertility, increasing inputs and improving economic conditions can all help to increase food production. Particular emphasis is placed on the need for both economic change and technological intervention in developing countries where, in many cases, food production will need to more than double in the next fifty years.
作者:Alan Wild  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1993/01/28 裝訂:平裝
Soil is one of humankind's most important resources, providing for the growth of arable crops, grassland and trees, which give us food, fibre, and timber. As part of the natural environment, soil supports the plant growth needed for the cycling of gases, provides a habitat for a wide range of organisms, buffers the flow of water and solutes between the atmosphere and ground and surface waters, and acts as both a source and sink for gases in the atmosphere. This introductory text aims to help students understand the behaviour of soils in both the man-made and the natural environment. The book is structured in two parts: Part A is an introduction to general soil properties and processes, whilst Part B considers soil in relation to the environment, covering topics such as the role of soil in supporting plant growth, in maintaining a clean environment, and in the flux of atmospheric gases. Issues such as acidification, contamination, conservation and erosion are also considered.



