※真實故事改編※當爸爸帶著小男孩要去游泳池時,小男孩突然大喊著「我要便便!」,可是一進到廁所之後又改口說「我現在不想了...」這狀況是不是很熟悉?直到姊姊大喊「弟弟大在褲子上了」才發現大事不妙....以幽默又搞笑的內容,告訴孩子「想做甚麼事,就趕快去做」也就是說,想上廁所就趕快去上吧!千萬不要因為貪玩而造成一發不可收拾的災難唷! A laugh-out-loud story with heart, based on true events about one boy's trip to the loo and learning that everyone has accidents sometimes. A father is just trying to take his kids for a refreshing swim in the pool, but every time they jump in... "DAD! I NEED TO POO!" By the time they get to the loo: "I don't need to go anymore!" Sound familiar? Back and forth, back and forth they go. "Just poop already!" yells the big sister. Until finally, the little brother... does. Oops! Based on true events in the real life of one unfortunate little brother... A laugh-out-loud story with heart, because when you gotta go, you gotta go!
這是一個笑翻天、充滿溫暖的故事,基於真實事件改編,講述一個男孩上廁所的經歷,並學會每個人有時都會有意外。一位父親只是想帶孩子去泳池消暑,但每次他們一跳進水裡……『爸爸!我要拉肚子了!』當他們到達廁所的時候:『我不用去了!』聽起來熟悉嗎?來回來回,他們不停地走動。『快點拉啦!』大姐姐大喊道。直到最後,小弟弟…… 噢!這個故事根據一位不幸的小弟弟真實生活中的事件……這是一個笑翻天、充滿溫情的故事,因為當你得去上廁所時,你就得去上!A laugh-out-loud story with heart, based on true events about one boy’s trip to the loo and learning that everyone has accidents sometimes.