Alexander McCall Smith/ Claire Benedict (NRT)/ Full Cast (COR)/ Nadine Marshall (NRT)
Alexander Polunov/ Thomas C. Owen (EDT)/ L. G. Zakharova (EDT)/ Marshall S. Shatz (TRN)
Alexander William Marshall
Alistair O'neill (EDT)/ Nick Knight (PHT)/ Caroline Evans/ Alexander Fury/ Shonagh Marshall
Chad Hardin/ Dave Marshall/ David Gaider/ Alexander Freed
David Gaider/ Alexander Freed/ Dave Marshall (EDT)
Jessica Baron Turner (EDT)/ Alexander Marshall/ Cecilia Phillips/ Francisco Rangel/ Jessica Baron Turner
Marshall H. Lewis/ Alexander Batthyany (FRW)
Marshall J. Alexander/ Trish Ramos (EDT)
Peine, Alexander (Utrecht University, The Netherlands),Marshall, Barbara L. (Trent University, Canada),Martin, Wendy, Ph.D. (Brunel University London, UK),Neven, Louis (Avans Hogeschool, The Netherla
William M. Alexander/ Marshall Hudson (ILT)
Yann Martel/ Jeff Woodman (NRT)/ Alexander Marshall (NRT)