Every pharmacist constantly makes ethical choices. Sometimes these choices are dramatic, life-and-death decisions, but often they are more subtle, less conspicuous choices that are nonetheless importa
We are living in an unprecedented era of biomedical revolution. Medicine is remaking humans, and controversy surrounds such topics as abortion, artificial organs, brain circuitry, eugenics, euthanasia
The most comprehensive and up-to-date collection of its kind, Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics: Decision-Making, Principles, and Cases, Second Edition, explores fundamental ethical questions arising
Easily navigate through the complicated and challenging world of daily on-the-job human interactions, with Health Professional and Patient Interaction, 9th Edition. Covering strategies for effective c
Pharmacists constantly face ethical choices -- sometimes dramatic matters of life-and-death decisions, but more often subtle, less conspicuous choices that are nonetheless important. Case Studies in P