This book, available at last in paperback, develops a fresh and challenging perspective on the transition from communism to capitalism. Drawing on a wide and diverse range of material and texts, it ar
In this book, Anca Pusca seeks to extend the aesthetic and cultural turn in international relations to an analysis of post-communist transitions in Central and Eastern Europe. Building on the philosop
Following the spirit of Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project, this volume acts as a kaleidoscope of change in the 21st century, tracing its different reflections in the international contemporary while s
The authors discuss what has come to be referred to as the "Roma problem: in the European Union. The book is divided into four primary topics: a historical context and current treatment of the Roma of
Europe's current economic crisis has exacerbated intolerance of marginalized ethnic groups. In a volume building on East European Roma in the EU: Mobility, Discrimination, Solutions, Pusca (internatio