Educational partnerships for postsecondary readiness – your resource guide is here!This step-by-step action plan from college and career readiness experts, McGaughy and Venezia provides key research f
Newcomers to the fashion industry often base costings on the sum of a style’s fabric, trims and labor―and to that they simply add their markup. However, every other activity of the business erodes tha
Newcomers to the fashion industry often base costings on the sum of a style’s fabric, trims and labor―and to that they simply add their markup. However, every other activity of the business erodes tha
This is the 167th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other leaders in today's open-door institutions
Minding the Gap argues that in today’s highly competitive, global economy, all young people need a postsecondary education. Yet only one in ten students from the lowest economic quintile in the United