Parents in China greatly value higher education for their children, but the intensity and effects of their desire to achieve this goal have largely gone unexamined—until now. Governing Educational Des
Parents in China greatly value higher education for their children, but the intensity and effects of their desire to achieve this goal have largely gone unexamined—until now. Governing Educational Des
Between 1988 and 2013, the Chinese city of Zouping transformed from an impoverished village of 30,000 people to a bustling city of over 300,000, complete with factories, high rises, parks, shopping ma
Between 1988 and 2013, the Chinese city of Zouping transformed from an impoverished village of 30,000 people to a bustling city of over 300,000, complete with factories, high rises, parks, shopping ma
Throughout China the formation of guanxi, or social connections, involves friends, families, colleagues, and acquaintances in complex networks of social support and sentimental attachment. Focusing on
Throughout China the formation of guanxi, or social connections, involves friends, families, colleagues, and acquaintances in complex networks of social support and sentimental attachment. Focusing o