The best-selling authors of the Sewing School series are back, introducing kids to the creativity of stitching patchwork, appliqué, and quilts. Using dynamic how-to photos and step-by-step inst
The best-selling book duo — Sewing School and Sewing School 2 — are featured together in this special gift set, along with bonus “Made By” fabric labels kids can
Crafty kids love to show off what they make, and what better way to do that than to wear their own one-of-a-kind handmade clothes! The authors of the best-selling and much-acclaimed Sewing School seri
For kids who have mastered hand sewing, machine sewing opens up exciting new possibilities! With Sewing School 2, children 7 and up can make 20 creative projects as they develop their machine sewing s
Kids everywhere discovering the wonder and joy found in simple needle and thread. And while sewing offers lots of benefits for children — it nurtures creativity, cognitive ability, coordination, and c