This book charts Carl Gustav Jung’s 32-year correspondence with James Kirsch, a German-Jewish psychiatrist who founded Jungian communities in Berlin, Tel Aviv, London, and Los Angeles, and adds depth
This book describes the "naturalistic fallacy", as attributed to Hume, that non-moral premises cannot logically entail a moral conclusion, and distinguishes it from the similarly named thoug
Delay and disruption during construction have always been considerations of vital importance in building projects of any scale. Now in its fifth edition,Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts
The Roots of Jewish Consciousness, Volume Two: Hasidism is the second volume, fullyannotated, of a major, previously unpublished, two-part work by Erich Neumann (1905–1960). It was written between 194
The Roots of Jewish Consciousness, Volume One: Revelation and Apocalypse is the first volume, fully annotated, of a major, previously unpublished, two-part work by Erich Neumann (1905–1960). It was wr
The Jung-White Letters charts fifteen years of correspondence between C. G. Jung and Victor White, an English Dominican priest and theologian. The dialogue between the two provides valuable insights i