John Xántus was a bit of a charlatan; of that there is little doubt. He lied about his exploits, joined the U.S. Army under an assumed name, and managed to alienate most of the people he met. Yet this
Every writer comes to the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon with a unique point of view. Ann Zwinger's is that of a naturalist, an "observer at the river's brim." Teamed with scientists and other vo
Seeking out wildflowers and whitewater, Ann Zwinger has called many places home. The Nearsighted Naturalist brings together work from more than two decades in her career as one of our most distinguish
"Lively, readable nature writing. As she details several treks through the beautiful, rocky canyons, [Zwinger's] feel for the animals and plants native to this arid region enhances the precise sketche
"The Green River runs wild, free and vigourous from southern Wyoming to northeastern Utah. Edward Abbey wrote in these pages in 1975 that Anne Zwinger's account "of the Green River and its subtle form
Introduction and Illustrations by Ann H. ZwingerThe early twentieth-century works by Mary Austin and John Muir are nature-writing classics. Austin and Muir both adopted the American West as their hom
Presenting a multiplicity of literary and scientific views of the mountain's historical cycles of disaster and renewal, a compendium of essays examines the complex ecology and geology of the region, t